After much struggling I got the innards out of the Firebass 700 head. Not helped by some pretty obtuse bolting and a stupidly heavy transformer.
Basically I needed to give the pots a clean as they were pretty noisy so this meant having to be able to get at the pots and spray them with contact cleaner.
Also decided to take the back part of the chassis out, having discovered it's basically two parts, just to be nosy.
And here's the clever bolting, which is actually the bolt that holds the top carry handle on (there's a similar one at the other end).
Need to do some more cleaning some time, paintbrush and vacuum cleaner job, to get rid of all the dust on the inside but that's a job for another day.
Hey Doug, I need to open up my Firebass to give the fans a good clean. I've not had a proper look at it yet, but was wondering if you could provide any advice as to how to get in there in advance? Cheers